Thursday, July 26, 2012

Little things in Life!

So while I was having my morning tea, I was wondering... why do we fight with the people we love most? Shouldn't there be just love between them? Why is it we ignore them at time and be insensitive to them? Why is it that we don't care about them at all? 
Is it because we take them for granted? Is it because we are too comfortable in the space we share that we hardly bother to make a difference? Sometimes I wish these answers could be found on google and could be same for everybody. 
It is difficult to build relationships, it is all the more difficult to nurture and sustain the relationship, be it with your friends, family, spouse. Human beings are the most complicated characters on Earth. To be able to understand and reciprocate according to their moods and behaviour isn't possible. But why is it that we put the best of us in front of the people we don't know? Why do we try to impress people who doesn't really matter to us? And all those who do gets to see the worst side of us. 

I feel betrayed and dumped when my loved ones are the ones to hurt me and not take notice of it. But I guess its a part and parcel of life and you don't do much about it but continue to take care of your relationships like you used to. This is life and may be someday I will accept it the way it is. For now, its choking me and will take a little time to sink in.

Will be back!
Rhea! :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Why So Serious?

What seems like days has actually been months! Days have just gone flying and I can't believe that its been almost 1 week for me at work now. So yes I have started working again and this time its a full time job and I won't lie but waking up in the morning and rushing to work is definitely not my favorite part. Nevertheless its a great place with some really nice people. So its kinda fun.
Anyways "The Dark Knight Rises" is here and the weekend is up for a kickstart! So fellas have a great weekend and enjoy!

Love Rhea!