Friday, December 31, 2010

new year's eve...

A year is about to end in a few hours. Many of us would probably be complaining about how bad this year was. But we don't even realize what it has given us. We tend to overlook that part. I feel sometimes we are too ungrateful about lot of things and miss the joy. A little appreciation would be beautiful, I guess.. I hope this coming year brings peace and happiness everywhere. New year is all about fresh resolutions and determinations but we often break them but personally I will try my level best to stick to them this year! It is very difficult but let me see how far I am successful. 
I hope everyone will forget their sorrows in this year end and move ahead with joy and prosperity.. Don't forget to kiss your loved ones at midnight! A beautiful morning awaits us tomorrow with all the good things that life has to offer... 
Enjoy and have a blast today!!
Be strong and face the harsh realities when it comes! 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

All for happinesss!!!!

Its for a reason that things happen... or if they don't.. But its so difficult to understand this little fact. 90% of our sorrows will vanish when we understand this fact! Most of the time we either crib about our past or dream about our future.. This way we don't enjoy the moment at all whereas its the present that we are living.. When I made a conscious effort to live the present I was really surprised with the change in my mood.. It is arduous but it will make you happy.. I do lose my track at times but I am trying.. And why not if it keeps you happy? After all everything we do is for our happiness, the medium to achieve it is different for everybody. 
So be happy n spread happiness people! 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


The feeling is so soothing when you had the most awful day and at the end of it you got your friends to talk to. They don't judge you, listens to you and also yells at whoever is responsible for your bad day, just so that it makes you feel better. There are lot of times when you really don't need any kind of suggestion but just a shoulder to lean on or a listener who would just be there to listen or a silent company. We are not always fortunate to have such good friends but may be with a little bit of luck we do find them.. I am one such lucky gal. I don't like categorizing my friends or anything, I mean, they have all been great. But there are few with whom you just click and you know that this ain't temporary. I am so grateful to have come across these people in my life. They have been the major influence in my life. Even when you know that your parents are right, you tend to follow your friends out of some kinda affection.. I will always make an effort not to let these people go away from me ( if such a day comes!!). AND ANYONE out there reading this.. please don't let those special people go away from you.. you don't get so lucky to meet wonderful friends again & again... Value your loved ones.. Its for a reason that they are in your life..
vl right again. tc 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

the spice!!

With the entrance of Pamela in bigg boss4, the show is sure to shoot up high.. Although I am sure its been doing great with Dolly Bindra's spice! I, personally, am very fascinated by this show and really sometimes feel like going inside the house! hahaaa!!! Anyways, these reality shows have created a lot of stir in the television. and with the emergence of these shows, people like Rakhi Sawant, Sambhavna Seth are gaining a lot recognition(?)
After all they are the ones who shoot up the TRPs! The mass wants to see spiced up things just for their entertainment, which makes the entertainment industry THE most rapidly expanding one I guess..
But I really hope everything that's happening doesn't overshadow the 'serious' things that television brings to us. Because as it goes.. ' too much of anything is bad. ' As long as we don't forget that all this is mere entertainment , I thin it's fine...
signing off... really tired!
anyone there?????????????????????????????????

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

new start!

ok its been some while that i have written, but its been some wonderful days that went by.. it was my best fren's bday a few days back and we really had fun! tried few new things, explored new places and total fun! and in the whole process i gained a few pounds.. lol.. but now, frens, i am determined to control myself. full on!
i feel blessed to have met so many wonderful people in my life but my heart pains when those people simply goes away from your environment. i know what you must be thinkin, that 'life moves on' and bla bla.. i do understand this. but don't you feel sad when it happens. after all we are human. and then i am this very emotional types! so today when i was going through my phonebook i was reminded of all the good times (bad times too!) that i shared with each one.. felt very nostalgic..
and its getting cold here... love winter!
happy winter all!!!! :)
anyone out there reading this??????
will write soon

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

:) :) :D

its so beautiful when you feel happy for no particular reason! i am experiencing one right now.. its been some days that i have realised how much i love myself.. and this feeling is beaaauutiful!! and then you know that you don't need someone else to love you.. cool!
but to love myself al the more i would love to lose little weight so that my heart feels happy whn i see myself in the mirror everyday.. :/ gosh! i din't know losing weight would be so damn difficult! i can't seem to resist food.. 
i better think of something before its too late :S
but HOWWWW????????
vl write again with some idea! 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


i just dont understand why some people have this superior complex in them!! i mean why????? they are not even brad pitts or angelinas!! its so annoying..
ok so now you know i dint have the perfect day today. this is so damn frustrating.. do i need to say more??

Sunday, November 7, 2010

after a long time! :D

ok! i created this blog long ago just outta fun.. bt now i think i can utilise it well.. there's so much goin on in my mind so why not publish it? and what's better than blogging?
now i stay here as a paying guest.. and have been residing here for more than 2 yrs now.. evreytime there's a new girl shifting over here i keep thinking inside me 'wat kinda adjusments do u want mam?' but it ain't so bad after all... you get to knoe about so many different kinda people, culture and tradition... there are times when i actually feel so proud to be an indian..
will write again.. tc fellas

Sunday, March 7, 2010


i welcome myself to d world of blogging!!!