Sunday, November 4, 2012

After a long time...

Now that I sit back and think, I can't remember exactly when did I pick up my first Harry Potter book. But it changed my life from that moment on. The craze was such that I finished reading  Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone , Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in just a span of 5-10 days. But the sad part was when I had to wait for a year for Rowling to give us details on Harry's love life! For the next book I remember going to the bookstore early in the morning and standing in the queue, for the next one I was even more anxious. What was more miserable was I knew there would be no more fascinating Harry stories after another two books.

I may come across countless other fantasy novels but what Harry has etched in my heart can't be replaced by anybody. With Harry I have grown up, cried, shared his fears, sorrows and love too. Harry has taught me to face my fears boldly with a firm belief in myself. My teacher had told me once that as young minds, the kind of books we read determines our course of life. I am glad that I had picked up Harry Potter at an age when I based my foundation on Rowling's amazing piece! I won't call myself a fan of his but there's something more to it. He's like the buddy I have grown up with, learnt our life's lessons together. 

Harry Potter, you have an irreplaceable place in my life. You are not just a character from the book but a real life friend for me! (No I am not hallucinating!)

Will write soon!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Little things in Life!

So while I was having my morning tea, I was wondering... why do we fight with the people we love most? Shouldn't there be just love between them? Why is it we ignore them at time and be insensitive to them? Why is it that we don't care about them at all? 
Is it because we take them for granted? Is it because we are too comfortable in the space we share that we hardly bother to make a difference? Sometimes I wish these answers could be found on google and could be same for everybody. 
It is difficult to build relationships, it is all the more difficult to nurture and sustain the relationship, be it with your friends, family, spouse. Human beings are the most complicated characters on Earth. To be able to understand and reciprocate according to their moods and behaviour isn't possible. But why is it that we put the best of us in front of the people we don't know? Why do we try to impress people who doesn't really matter to us? And all those who do gets to see the worst side of us. 

I feel betrayed and dumped when my loved ones are the ones to hurt me and not take notice of it. But I guess its a part and parcel of life and you don't do much about it but continue to take care of your relationships like you used to. This is life and may be someday I will accept it the way it is. For now, its choking me and will take a little time to sink in.

Will be back!
Rhea! :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Why So Serious?

What seems like days has actually been months! Days have just gone flying and I can't believe that its been almost 1 week for me at work now. So yes I have started working again and this time its a full time job and I won't lie but waking up in the morning and rushing to work is definitely not my favorite part. Nevertheless its a great place with some really nice people. So its kinda fun.
Anyways "The Dark Knight Rises" is here and the weekend is up for a kickstart! So fellas have a great weekend and enjoy!

Love Rhea!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


If only I’d known that it was the last time I was seeing you
Sitting by the table you were watching me
I was trying not to look
You were hard to give it a miss
I knew some magnetic power was pulling me towards you strongly
It was difficult to keep my feet on the ground
For all I care I wish I could have flown away to your arms
For that’s the only safe place for me on this earth
I knew you would hug till I would let go off you
Your heart was pounding
I could hear

 My warm breathe was screaming out loud my fears
Your heart beat kept reassuring me that I was safe

Leaving you behind was never what I had imagined
But carrying you along was not an option
What our eyes spoke to each other that night
Was beyond any words that we knew
What I saw in your eyes was not a lie
And my eyes…
Couldn’t look into yours anymore
For the pain was unbearable
I believed what I saw.
Or rather I wanted to believe what I saw
For once I dint want to be corrected
I wanted to stay wrong and

Memories are scary.
They hardly ever leave you
And you have been the most stubborn one.
I don’t blame you
I did pamper you.
Your memories.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Is it me or you?

While walking down the memory lane
I seldom come across you..
may be you weren't very important
may be the whole thing was an illusion..

When I think of the 'what ifs' of my life
all I can recollect is you..

When I think of the happiest times of my life
all I can recollect is you..

When I think of the worst times of my life
all i can recollect is you..

When the birds fly into the clear blue sky
the wind speaks into my ears 
about you..

And yet,

while walking down the memory lane
I seldom come across you..
may be you weren't very important
and yet,
here I am talking about 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

From the land of Punjab!

Ahoy folks!

Last weekend was an unexpected trip to Ludhiana to meet my friend/sister/shakubuku parent/guide Saloni. We had fun, ate, shopped, ate more, chatted, and ate even more. Punjab is a place with yummy food and jolly, colourful, loud, happy people! Right from the moment I took my seat in the train I sensed that I was in Punjab! Anyways I am pretty sure I have gained quite a bit after those paranthes for breakfast at her home loaded with makkhan and malai, chicken malai tikka for lunch and creamy chicken and paneer for dinner, let alone the pakoras for snacks. :P  This is typical Punjab. Whatte wonderful three days I spent there. 


aloo ke paranthe with makkhan!!

Food is my ultimate weakness in life. I have this wish of trying every dish of chicken in this world... Aaah! Even the thought of it is enough for me to go slurrppp!!! 

Anyways apart from food the weekend was also filled with love. Saloni is getting married soon and her fiance is bringing the world together for her sitting in Sydney. How sweet! So the day before I was coming back, we were going for lunch at her favorite restaurant and he had already reserved her favorite seat, sent red roses and a teddy bear of almost my size! Not to mention that her room was already filled with flowers and soft toys. I am glad to see that she has found her special someone who is so much in love with her. My heartfelt wishes for her. muuuaahhhh!!!
Wish you all a very happy weekend and also a Happy Valentine's Day in advance. Fill the world with love and love will find a way to come to you!! 
Will write again! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

love is in the air! :*

If fate could bring the two most opposite people together, it's me and Pradyumna. With every passing day I discover something we are opposite at. If I like going out, he likes staying in. If I like parties and stuff, he likes quiet time at home. I am the kind of person who hates staying at home and gets bored easily, he, on the other hand, can spend one whole week at home consecutively. But we do have few similarities when it comes to movies, technology and... or may be that's it! 

Its very easy to fall in love, get carried away, lose your focus and live your life making that person the centre of your life. But a healthy relationship is one in which two people encourage each other to reach their respective goals while sharing each other’s hopes and dreams. A relationship should be a source of inspiration and hope. I read this interesting line somewhere, “Love is not two people gazing at each other, but two people looking ahead together in the same direction.”

YOU make me the happiest!!

This post is not to advertise our love story but to share that I am glad I came across Pradyumna although I wish we would have started dating sooner, having been studied in the same school! But better late than never. Inspite of knowing each other since ten years or so, we met two years back and knew very well that there were sparks between us. Then those long chats, couple of meetings made us (or rather me!) realize that we really wanted to be together.
I don’t need a reason to love him and there aren’t enough words to describe the feeling I go through when I see him happy. So yesterday, being the birthday of two very important persons in my life- my mom and Pradyumna, was a beautiful day. Although I goofed up a little but all’s well that ends well! After all we had chicken for lunch!

All I want to say is you bring out the best in me. I love you for nothing else but who you are. I hope we grow old together and stick with each other forever despite our fights and differences, because I have never been so much in love! 

signing off,