Thursday, December 8, 2011

chilly december mornings are giving me crazy thoughts~~~~~~~~ ;)

As the mornings are getting cozier I am getting lazier! Dragging myself out of the bed and then realizing eventually  how late I am getting and then rushing to work and then when I am halfway through I realize I have forgotten something or the other! The moment I reach my desk is when I heave a sigh of relief because I am always on time. :D (all the drama was to create tension for myself so that I don't get late! :P) 

So people that's me!!

Anyways the most interesting part is when I walk down from my place to hire an auto, I keep visualizing stuff on my mind, mostly things that I would want them to happen. And off late all I can think of is.......


Yes! I imagine the kind of wedding I would like, the honeymoon destinations(the most dominant part!), post marriage tiffs and other bullshits. Its kind of funny that I am even writing all these but these are just thoughts, I mean I don't mean them seriously of course! Oh no, not at all. 

Until my next thought
:) :D

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